
WhatsApp Rolled Out Its 5 New Features In India 2022


Instant messaging app WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging app across the world. Years after its launched, this Meta owned app is still the mostly used messaging service. India is having the largest user base for whatsApp around 490 millions currently. Today this messaging app used for variety of purposes that includes business, sharing photos and documents, audio call, video call etc. To enhance the user experience WhatsApp rolled out it’s new features in India. Indian users can get these features after they updates their whatsApp to its latest version. Go through this article and know about all the new features

Recently WhatsApp has been updating its feature that allowed group calling up to 30 people at a time. Now this feature coming out with group calling link. User can join a call using this group calling link. Along with this, whatsApp is now rolled out 5 New additional feature for Indian users that they can get through latest updates.

1. Undo ‘delete for me’

WhatsApp updated it’s long awaited feature for its users that is the ability to retrieve deleted messages. To delete a message whatsApp introduced few features that includes clear chat and delete for me and using this feature one can easily remove their message without the other person knowing about it.

Sometimes if you have accidentally delete some important message, then don’t worry. To recover the message that you accidentally deleted, whatsApp launched its new features that is ‘Undo’ delete for me. In this when you by mistake delete any important message, whatsApp will show a notification for few seconds to Undo that deleted message. You can click on that ‘Undo’ option with in that time frame can get back your message.

2. Sort Your Chat With An Unread Filters

With this new updates WhatsApp will allow its users to sort their chats efficiently using this ‘unread chat filter’. Now you can sort and view all your unread messages. In this feature when you turn on the feature, WhatsApp will automatically show you the unread chats on top so that you can’t miss the important messages.

For Android users –You can tap on search bar and click the option Unread and to off the filter you can click on X or backspace.

For iPhone users – For iPhone user to search the unread messages, scroll up the chat list to see the search bar and tap the Unread. You can tap again the Unread filter to turn it off.

3. Leave A Group Silently

WhatsApp updates it’s another amazing feature, where you can leave a group without knowing everyone except the group admin. With this new feature you can now exit group without notifying everyone. Only the group admin will notify about your exit. Earlier when you leave a group along with admin all the group members also get a notification of your leaving. With this new privacy feature it will give more control to the user over their privacy.


4. Admin Gets ‘delete for everyone’

WhatsApp updates it’s new group chat features where, now the group admins have the ability to delete messages of others group members for everyone. Group admin can delete others message and all the group members can see who is deleted that message and that message will be deleted for everyone.

5. Link Preview

With this latest updates by whatsApp, users can see the preview of a link or URL shared through status update by other users.


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